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Stem Cells

Adult stem cells are cells from your own body. Stem Cells are considered pro-generator cells and they have the ability to turn into other cells (differentiate). They live inside all of us in various tissues, and work to repair tissue damage as it occurs. As we age or have big injuries, we may not be able to recruit enough of these cells to the site to fully repair the area. Stem Cell Procedures help overcome these problems. By extracting stem cells from an area of high volume (Bone Marrow), then concentrating the cells and re-injecting them into the damaged area we can help the body heal naturally.

Our Stem Cell Procedures can be used for a wide range of conditions and are the tool of choice for injuries, arthritis and other conditions that may be more significant than what may be treated with our Platelet Rich Plasma.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelets plays a key role in the process of wound and soft tissue healing. The use of platelet rich plasma (PRP), a portion of a persons own blood, to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints, can be applied to various musculoskeletal problems.

PRP injections are prepared using a patient’s own blood with strict sterile techniques. After being centrifuged, the activated platelets are injected into the abnormal tissue, releasing growth factors that recruit and increase the proliferation of reparative cells. Ultrasound or X-ray imaging may or may not be used to guide the injection.

Several clinical studies have demonstrated that PRP injections have improved function and decreased pain in the elbow, wrist, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle. Early work is also showing promise for osteoarthritis and disc disease.

The side effects of PRP injections are limited, as the patient is utilizing their own blood. Typically the patient is advised to take it easy immediately following the procedure; as there can be some local discomfort at the injection site. It is important to engage in stretching and strengthening following the injection.

Talk with your doctor about the role Platelet Rich Plasma may play in your treatment program.


What is Amniox?

Amniox and it’s products line is slightly different then traditional Stem Cell Therapy. Amniox products are “denuded,, meaning there are no cells and only enzymes/growth factors from placental tissue. Amniox products are actually purchased of the shelf, and when mixed with preservative free saline or a local anesthetic such as lidocaine, are able to be injected directly into areas of tissue damage or injury, to help promote tissue healing and regeneration.

Amniox provides Regenerative Injection Therapy, by obtaining placental tissue through a voluntary donation program across the US.

Donor mothers provide full consent prior to delivery of a full-term, live, newborn baby via a scheduled Cesarian section.

The amniotic membrane and umbilical cord, which are usually discarded, are then processed and preserved at Amniox Medical’s state-of-the-art US-based facility.

Prior to donation, all mothers are carefully screened to ensure safety, based on requirements established by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB).

Additionally, the donated tissue is thoroughly screened for infections diseases, including HIV, Hepatitis B & C, Syphilis, West Nile, and Zika among many others.

Finally, the donated tissue is thoroughly cleaned and processed to maintain the tissue’s regenerative properties, while eliminating living cells. CLARIX FLO is fully sterilized prior to shipping.

To date, after more than 200,000 procedures, there have been no reports of disease transmission or tissue rejection from amniotic tissue products produced by Amniox Medical.

Call Stem Cells Cleveland Today to find out if Amniox and Regenerative Medicine can help you!

IV Vitamin Therapy

Vitamins and minerals are the basic building blocks of our cellular structure. Chronic disease states often are accompanied by subtle nutritional imbalances. Many of these nutritional deficiencies can contribute to symptoms of pain, inflammation, and the sense that things are not well mentally and physically.

For years, Intravenous treatments have been a mainstay of hospital stays and emergency room visits. These treatments are used to jump start wellness and bypass the digestive process. Little mainstream thought has been given to the use of Intravenous vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and amino acids for chronic disease states and overall wellness.

Allure IV Vitamin treatments have the potential to replenish, rejuvenate, and reinvigorate. As part of a total model of wellness and health, our treatments are very low risk and tailor made to help improve overall wellness.

The treatments are relatively easy to administer and involve a relatively painless and simple small needle placed in the vein and attached to a bag of sterile vitamins and water. The entire treatment takes approximately 45 minutes with no recovery.

To find out if one of our IV Vitamin Therapies is right for you, contact our office and schedule an appointment today.

Allure – “Anti-Oxidants”

Allure – “Energy Boost”

Allure – “Building Blocks”

Allure – “Inflammatory Support”

Allure – “Replenish”